Martial Arts & Self Defense
Wing Chun Fight Club
3940 Poinciana Blvd
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
ph: 9043820778
Wing Chun Videos
Welcome to Wing Chun Fight Club's Video Gallery. We have displayed videos that we find relative to the study of Wing Chun and some of our videos. We are looking forward to adding more videos in the future. Until then enjoy.
This is Sifu Faughn's Great-Great Sigung Karl Godwin. He is the foremost authority on Wing Chun in Florida. He is demonstrating the original mook jong form.
Ip Man or Yip Man was the teacher that taught Bruce Lee and promoted Wing Chun in Hong Kong after leaving China. This movie was one of the first movies to betray Wing Chun in a more favorable light. The movie still does not completely capture the efficiency and speed of true Wing Chun
A new documentary about Wing Chun... Could be very interesting
Wing Chun Fight Club's Basic San Sik Drills preformed by beginners Kenzie and Ken
Copyright 2009 wing chun fight club. All rights reserved.
Wing Chun Fight Club
3940 Poinciana Blvd
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
ph: 9043820778